Your Guide To Conscious Preconception
Your Guide To Conscious Preconception
Our hope is that this book empowers and guides women to come into treating their bodies as temples, honouring all seasons of their menstrual cycles and loving their womb as a holy portal.
We want couples to understand that men need to pull 50% of the weight when it comes to preconception. It takes two to tango, after all!
About The Book
It’s no secret that infertility is becoming an increasingly problematic issue in our society. Whilst this was one of the motivations for the book, our authors also feel that there is a lack of vital education available to those on a conception journey.
Both Tahlia and Caitlin have become increasingly concerned as they meet women in clinic wanting to get pregnant but not doing some of the really key things to help them do so. Thus, they have authored this guidebook to empower women and couples to do all that they can naturally to increase the ease that they experience in their fertility journey.
Both of our authors have also heard so many times that men are not doing anything and women are pulling all the weight. Therefore the book includes comprehensive information about how and why men need to hold up their end of the bargain when it comes to conception.
The book covers fundamental principles including women understanding their menstrual cycle, particularly ovulation, as well as some lesser known yet crucial information such as the issues with a cold uterus and kidneys, stressed adrenals, subconscious emotional blocks to conception, energetic blocks and structural factors including a misaligned uterus.
A one stop shop for all fertility questions!
Every single page of this book provides answers and solutions to the questions we know you will have on your fertility journey. This includes mapping out which blood tests to get, what questions to ask, what modalities to try and what to consider emotionally to help the process be more easeful, joyous and hopefully successful!
Ask The Authors
My hope is that this book acts as a tool to help more couples have an easeful, joyous and feminine conception journey.
That they can allow conception to be a mind-altering and heart expanding experience and know that once they've done the hard work to get there (and it does take work to get ready) it’s worth it!!