Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide Book
Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide Book
The first book in the Nourishing Those Who Nurture Series was born out of neccessity as Tahlia navigated Postpartum. She came to feel that in the Western world we really lacked tangible resources of information she needed to lean on in this time.
Both Tahlia and Caitlin have dedicated themselves to this series in the hopes that the guidebook will support new mothers to feel less overwhelmed, depleted and unsupported throughout their pregnancy and postpartum journey.
About The Book
As Tahlia underwent her first postpartum journey she thought she was well equipped, however the journey itself was more than she was prepared for, which she put down to a severe lack of tangible resources available in western society as a whole.
Having a background in Clinical Nutrition and an abundant professional resource network available to her here in the Northern Rivers, it’s upsetting to think what lesser prepared new mothers may experience.
In her personal and professional view, the postpartum landscape suffers from a lack of education, lack of support and pressure from society for new mothers to do more and be more, rather than just be, rest and be supported. This needs to change.
Enlisting the help of Caitlin, our authors set out to create so much more than a food bible for new mothers!
This book provides very really realistic information about how postpartum may look. It talks about taboo topics like what changes may occur with your vulva and vagina. It talks about seeking support. It talks about preparing your partner and children for the new baby and about questions that may be a good idea to explore with them before this period. And finally, it provides easy recipes for nourishment that can be preprepared and offered through a meal train and will nourish your whole family through this beautiful, yet dynamic period.
More Than a Food Bible for New Mothers
Postpartum is a Latin term meaning ‘after childbirth’. Postpartum recovery can range from a few days to a few weeks, months or years depending on the birth itself, and the integration of becoming a mother. Postpartum is the least supported aspect of birth at present, as most of the focus is currently on fertility, conception, pregnancy, and of course, labour and birth itself.
Postpartum is the time when illnesses can arise, immunity can drop, fatigue can set in, loneliness can be felt, and of course, postpartum depression or depletion can occur.
This is a postpartum bible. Pass it on to those who will hold you in your newborn stages and ensure that it is read, reread, and then used to create edible delicacies that can sustain you in the darkest of nights and the earliest of hours to ensure that you too are nourished in your new passage as Mother.
Ask The Authors
Going into my first postpartum journey I thought I was well equipped, but the journey itself was more than I was even prepared for.
My hope is that this book helps women to have a more easeful, educated and supported journey from maiden to motherhood.